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Cooking in Jail With Al

   I don't know. Maybe it's me, but there's something about a big, gruff Italian guy explaining how to cook up a completely illegal pasta banquet in prison, under that relentless surveillance eye that gives you faith in the ingenuity and resilience of the human mind and spirit that's under oppression.

     To be fair, it's all a lot more obvious and lacking in technical proficiency than you might assume, but still, a guy could end up doing months in the hole just for hiding the uncooked pasta under his bunk. It's not without its own level of immediate danger.

    Big Al actually was courted by some indy film production company for a reality TV pilot after this gem was noticed on Youtube. He turned them down, though. Or maybe they backed off when they started meeting some of the guys he would be insisting on bring on board? I'm actually not that clear on exactly what happened there. 

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