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The Book

    Yep, there's a book, and since Big Al himself was balls deep in the middle of the writing of it, it's the only official account of what went down and how it all played out afterward. Of course, there's the whole story about how Al and Kevin wrote the damn thing in spite of neither of them knowing how to toss a book together, and then there's the parts about Big Al being on the run from the FBI, the NYBCI, the ATF, and probably some other shit-bag government SWAT agencies that you find lumped in here and there when the powers that be really, really want someone's ass on a spit. Then, since the government always gets its way in the end, there are the years Al spent in prisonland after the feds finally jumped him in New Jersey. 

      All in all, it's a hell of a story, and at 20 bucks for the print book and 10 bucks for the Kindle, you could easily waste your money on lesser offerings. Click on a few links here to get a taste of what really happened and which legends are true. Odds are that it was all a lot crazier than you could've ever imagined.

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